
Two Nursery locations are now available:
Kapolei Greenz
92-582 Kulihi Street
On the corner of Kulihi Street and Welo Street.
Hours of Operations, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 8 AM - 4 PM
Closed Monday & Tuesday
Call (808)216-6557 for any questions.
Kunia Country Farms
92-1770 Kunia Road
Hours of Operation, Monday - Saturday 7.00 am - 3.30 pm.
Closed Sunday.
If you have questions regarding our Nursery or plants, please call Yupin Takenaka at 216-6557 or Cary Takenaka at 864-8785.
Holidays Observed - 2021
We will be closed on the following holidays:
Memorial Day: Monday, May 31
Labor Day: Monday, Sept. 6
Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, Nov. 25
Christmas Day (observed): Friday, Dec. 24
Christmas Day: Saturday, Dec. 25
New Year’s Day (observed): Friday, Dec. 31
New Year’s Day: Saturday, Jan. 1, 2022
NOTE: Prices subject to change.
Prices start at $1.50 for the 4" pots.-Dwarf and Regular Mondo grass ($1.50 each or $18.00 per tray)
-Blue Daze
-Pink Asystasia
-Purple Hemigraphis
-Lantana ($5 for 6 inch or 1-gallon)
-Dwarf Lauae and Kangaroo Paw Fern ($5.00 for 6 inch or 1 gallon)
-Golden Glory
-Variegated Liriope
-Dwarf variegated rhoeo or dwarf oyster plant
-Variegated Garlic
-Society of Garlic
-and more

-Ginger: Red, Pink, Variegated and White
-Purple Shower
-Wax Ficus
-Chinese Privet
-El Dorado
-Variegated Eranthemum (Green and White)
-Purple Eranthemum
-Green Ti
-Red Ti (Lilinoi)
-Many varieties of hybrid and dwarf ti’s
-and more
Our trees are grown in 7 gallon, 15 gallon or 25 gallon pots. Prices are usually $12.00 for the 3 gallon; $75.00 for the 7 gallon; $125.00 for the 15 gallon and $200 for the 25 gallon.-Silver Buttonwood
-Tulipwood aka Harpullia
-Dwarf Bottlebrush var. Captain Cook
-and more

-Phoenix aka Dwarf Date
-Pritchardia pacifica or Fiji Fan
-Pritchardia hilldebrandii or Dwarf Blue
-Rhapis (Please ask for prices)
-Red Sealing Wax (Please ask for prices)
-Areca vestiaria (Please ask for prices)
-Pinanga coronata
-and more
Address: 92-582 Welo Street, Kapolei, HI 96707 (in Makakilo)
If you have questions regarding our Nursery or plants, please call (808)216-6557 or Cary Takenaka at 864-8785.
Thank you!
Nursery Gallery
Click on the images below to view a larger display.![]() |
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